
Loan, Fine & Lost Book


All registered users are eligible to borrow library materials from General Collections, Arabic Collection, Laws Collection and Academic Core Collection (Red Spot). Numbers of items that can be borrowed at one time will be governed by the membership category.  Users can also make referrals at the Serials Collection and apart from that, User can use facility provided in the open computer lab (Cyber Gateway). Users need to have a valid membership card (i.e.: student card, staff card) whenever they need to borrow library materials or to use certain library facility.

Late Returned Penalty Charges

Late returned will result in the penalty charges as follows:-

Type of Material
Duration Penalty Charges
Open Access
1 day late
RM0.20 per day
Limited Access (Red Spot)
1 day late
RM1.00 per day

Non-working days will not be counted in the calculation of total days of late returned.

Users who have reached the maximum fine limit, and do not pay their fines, will not be allowed to make a subsequent borrowing or renewals of library materials.

Maximum Fine Limit

The maximum fine limit according the users category are as follows:-


User Category

Maximum Fine Limit Per Book


Account Suspended Maximum Limit


 Maximum Fine Limit




Undergraduate Student 3.00 5.00 50.00 Not allowed to borrow library materials
2. Postgraduate Student 3.00 5.00 50.00
3. Academician 3.00 10.00 100.00
4. Professional 3.00 10.00 100.00
5. Supporting Staff 3.00 5.00 50.00

Lost/Damages Penalty Charges

Penalty charges in the event of library material being lost or damaged.

Description Penalty Charges

a. Replacement of Material

User need to replace the material of the same title, author, edition, number in set/set, or the latest edition OR

b. Penalty Payment

Make a compensation payment for the amount of one-fold from the original purchased price as recorded by the library or the current price with an additional RM10.00 as a processing fee.

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