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Khabar duka 15 minit sebelum terima skrol

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Kuala Nerus, 8 November: Kegembiraan seorang graduan untuk menerima skrol di majlis konvokesyen menjadi hiba apabila mendapat berita kematian bapa tercinta 15 minit sebelum naik ke pentas.


Haslina Kalang, 23, menerima panggilan dari jirannya di Tawau, Sabah memaklumkan bahawa bapanya, Kalang Tona, 56, meninggal dunia pada jam 10.30 pagi ketika sewaktu di dalam Majlis Idul Ilmi Konvokesyen UniSZA ke-15, hari ini.

Graduan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Hubungan Antarabangsa (dengan Kepujian), ketika ditemui berkata dia sememangnya berat hati untuk hadir ke konvokesyen hari ini kerana risau dengan bapanya yang mempunyai sakit stroke.


“Ayah suruh saya datang jugak konvokesyen dan dia nak saya naik ke pentas menerima ijazah”

 “Saya tak sangka ayah pergi dulu sebelum saya naik ke pentas. Bagaimanapun saya kuat untuk naik juga sekejap menerima skrol”, katanya yang merupakan anak kedua dari lima beradik.

 Haslina berkata, selepas tamat belajar di menjaga ayahnya sepenuh masa dan belum bekerja dimana-mana tempat.

 “Alhamdulillah, saya dapat berbakti kepada ayah dan saya redha dengan pemergian dia di hari konvokesyen saya hari ini” katanya.


Haslina tiba di Terengganu dua hari lepas dan ditemani kakak sulungnya  yang datang dari Johor untuk hadir ke majlis konvokesyen hari ini.

Sementara itu, pihak UniSZA telah menyampaikan sumbangan wang tunai RM 2,500 kepada Haslina untuk membeli tiket penerbangan pulang ke Tawau, Sabah, hari ini.

Haslina sepatutnya pulang esok ke kampung halaman sebaik sahaja selesai majlis konvokesyen hari ini.

(English Version)

Kuala Nerus, November 8th: The joy of a graduate receiving her scroll at the convocation turned into sorrow when she received news of her beloved father's death 15 minutes before going up on stage. Haslina Kalang, 23, received a call from her neighbor in Tawau, Sabah, informing her that her father, Kalang Tona, 56, had passed away at 10:30 a.m. while she was in the midst of the 15th UniSZA Convocation Ceremony today. The graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in International Relations (with Honours), when interviewed, said that she was already hesitant to attend the convocation today due to concerns about her father, who had suffered a stroke.

"My father insisted that I come to the convocation, and he wanted me to go up on stage to receive my degree."

"I never expected my father to pass away before I went up on stage. However, I gathered the strength to go up briefly to receive the scroll," she said, being the second of five siblings.

Haslina mentioned that after finishing her studies, she took on the full-time responsibility of taking care of her father and has not yet found employment elsewhere.

"Alhamdulillah, I was able to serve my father, and I am content with his departure on my convocation day," she said.

Haslina arrived in Terengganu two days ago and was accompanied by her eldest sister who came from Johor to attend today's convocation ceremony.

Meanwhile, UniSZA has provided a cash donation of RM 2,500 to Haslina to purchase a flight ticket back to Tawau, Sabah, today. Haslina was originally scheduled to return  to her hometown tomorrow after completing today's convocation ceremony.

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