Graduan Palestin gembira dalam duka terima PhD
Kuala Nerus: "Walaupun sedih tanpa ahli keluarga, saya kuatkan semangat, naik ke pentas untuk menerima skrol ini," kata graduan Ijazah Kedoktoran (PhD) dari Palestin, Hanan Kamel Mohammed Saad, 51.
Beliau antara 3,608 graduan UniSZA yang menerima PhD, sarjana, ijazah sarjana muda dan diploma pada Majlis Idul Ilmi Konvokesyen UniSZA Ke-15 di Dewan Al-Muktafi Billah Shah UniSZA di sini, hari ini.
Hanan Kamel berkata, kali terakhir dia berhubung dengan keluarganya di Gaza semalam, menerusi media sosial dan mereka sempat mengucapkan tahniah.
"Namun tetap sedih apabila mereka tidak dapat meraikan kejayaan ini bersama-sama... perasaan gembira ini bercampur sedih apabila mengenangkan nasib keluarga di sana.
"Saya berharap mereka diberi perlindungan Allah SWT," katanya ketika ditemui.
Hanan Kamel berkata, serangan bertali arus oleh rejim Israel membuatkan situasi di Gaza sangat buruk dan tiada tempat yang selamat untuk penduduk diami, malah internet yang lemah menyebabkan dia hanya mampu berbalas pesanan ringkas.
"Ramai penduduk di sana bukan saja kehilangan ahli keluarga, malah juga hilang tempat tinggal akibat tindakan Israel.
"Bagaimanapun, saya bersyukur buat masa ini, ahli keluarga saya berada di tempat yang selamat dan berharap mereka terus bertahan.
“Saya berdoa supaya keganasan ini dapat dihentikan serta rakyat Palestin mendapat kebebasan," katanya yang merancang bekerja di Malaysia buat masa ini.
(English Version)
Kuala Nerus: "Despite the sadness of being without family members, I strengthened my spirit and went up on stage to receive this scroll," said Hanan Kamel Mohammed Saad, a 51-year-old PhD graduate from Palestine.
She is among the 3,608 UniSZA graduates who received PhDs, master's degrees, bachelor's degrees, and diplomas at the 15th UniSZA Convocation Ceremony at Dewan Al-Muktafi Billah Shah UniSZA here today.
Hanan Kamel said that the last time she communicated with her family in Gaza was yesterday through social media, and they managed to congratulate her.
"However, it is still sad when they cannot celebrate this success together... this joyful feeling is mixed with sadness when thinking about the fate of the family there.
"I hope they are protected by Allah SWT," she said when interviewed.
Hanan Kamel mentioned that the ongoing attacks by the Israeli regime have made the situation in Gaza very dire, and there is no safe place for the residents. Additionally, weak internet connectivity only allows her to exchange brief messages.
"Many people there have not only lost family members but also their homes due to Israeli actions.
"However, for now, I am grateful that my family is in a safe place and I hope they continue to endure.
"I pray that this violence can be stopped, and the Palestinian people can achieve freedom," she said, expressing her plans to work in Malaysia for the time being.